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Rio Bonito Cabin Resort

Pet ownership can be a bit complicated if you spend lots of time on the road for work or reside in a recreational vehicle full-time. While RV camping with dogs is not always easy, it’s fully worth the effort when you consider all the joy that dogs bring to a person’s life. 

This guide can help you overcome common challenges and help you and your pet coexist peacefully in your RV. 

Can You Keep Dogs in an RV?

RV camping with dogs can be successful with some planning.

It’s certainly possible to keep dogs in an RV without risking the pet’s health or happiness (or feeling inconvenienced by your pooch’s presence). However, on-the-go pet owners must take the proper steps to ensure their pets are well cared for.

Remember that along with love and care, pets require both mental and physical stimulation to remain satisfied. Providing this stimulation can be challenging within an RV due to size constraints. Despite these challenges, some dog-friendly additions are non-negotiable:

  • Food and Water: Dogs traveling in RVs must have food and water bowls. Be sure to bring a stock of Fido’s favorite food when RV camping with dogs in case you can’t find it when traveling. 
  • Toys: In addition to daily walks, toys keep dogs mentally stimulated. Provide a wide selection of toys to prevent boredom in your pet. 
  • Pet Medication and Supplies: Any medications or essential supplies, such as harnesses and leashes, must always be available inside the RV. Be sure to have backups in case an item goes missing or breaks. 
  • Bedding: Comfortable bedding is essential for a happy pet. Make sure your dog’s bedding is the right size to accommodate them. 

Ensuring easy access to these items sets you and your pet up for success. Establishing a safe and comfortable living space for canines within RVs can also help you avoid unwanted behaviors, such as urinating in the home or chewing on furniture. 

Do Dogs Do Well in RVs?

When RV camping with dogs, you must consider your pet to make a reasonable determination. This is the best way to determine whether your dog will do well in a recreational vehicle for an extended period. 

One major factor is the breed of dog. Larger dog breeds, like Irish Setters, Great Danes, and Dobermanns, need lots of room. As a result, these and other large dog breeds may not be comfortable living and traveling within an RV for an extended period. 

Another factor to consider is the pet’s energy levels. Certain breeds, including pugs, have high energy levels and require lots of space to play, both indoors and outdoors. While a small, high-energy dog may love life in an RV, they will also require plenty of walks and playtime. 

In this case, consider the guidelines regarding how much space canines need to be happy and comfortable. In general, dogs not suited to apartment living may not enjoy living in an RV due to their smaller size. 

Where Do Dogs Sleep in an RV?

When RV camping with dogs, find a suitable place for them to sleep.

Dogs fare best when they have sleeping areas of their own, whether you’re at home or RV camping with dogs. Having their own space helps canines feel comfortable, but it can also prevent you from feeling crowded if your pet must sleep in bed with you every night. 

To find a suitable place for your pet to sleep in the recreational vehicle, keep the following in mind:

  • Place bedding in an area that’s easily accessible to your pet (this is especially important for older pets)
  • Make sure bedding is soft, comfortable, and suited to the size of your dog
  • Launder bedding frequently to keep it fresh and clean
  • Look for convenient areas to keep bedding (such as under dinettes)

Wherever you place your pet’s bedding, try to remain consistent from trip to trip. Consistency ensures that dogs feel comfortable inside the RV, which is crucial to their health and happiness. 

Can You Leave Your Dog Unattended in an RV at a Campground?

When pet parents exhibit responsibility, RV camping with dogs can be fun for all involved. However, leaving your pet unattended inside a recreational vehicle for long periods is not recommended. When you leave dogs alone, they can face one or more of the following risks:

  • Anxiety can cause your pet to chew on personal belongings inside the vehicle and harm vehicle fixtures and components.
  • During summer, temperatures inside the RV can be too hot for dogs. While you can leave the AC running to ensure their comfort, serious issues could result if the AC breaks down. 
  • Some campgrounds have rules that state pet owners cannot leave their dogs unattended. In this case, you must carefully review the campground’s pet policy to remain compliant. 

If possible, ensure another person is present inside the RV. You can also ask a campground neighbor to care for your pet while you’re away. Consider bringing your dog with you when away from the campground. 

What To Do Before RVing With Dogs

Preparation is key to RV camping with dogs.

Being prepared can make for an even better situation when RV camping with dogs, so here are some important steps to take:

  • Visit a local veterinarian to guarantee your pet is healthy enough for RV travel.
  • Research vets in future locations to ensure you can access timely healthcare for your pet if needed.
  • Dog-proof the RV to keep your pet safe and secure. Lock up hazardous chemicals, fix any loose or dangerous fixtures, etc.
  • Have the recreational vehicle checked for possible issues to avoid breakdowns and malfunctions

When you’re fully prepared for life in an RV with your pet, you’re less likely to encounter major issues. 

A Great Place for Pets and Humans Alike

If you plan on visiting Liberty, Texas, and need a pet-friendly campground, Rio Bonito Cabin & RV Park has just what you’re looking for. When RV camping with dogs, rest assured that our campgrounds are amenable to furry, four-legged friends. We welcome you to contact us for more information on our pet policies.

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